Microsoft Edge Transparent / Invisible / Clear pop out menus fix!

Microsoft edge in Windows 11 Acrylic semi transparent menus are nearly invisible and there is no clear fix within the appearance settings for the browser. Here is how to fix it !

Solution 1

Install and use a different browser such as Firefox, Chrome, Brave or Opera

Solution 2

Open a tab and in the URL bar enter the following: ” edge://flags

in the Search flags text box type in ” acryllic

For the option that appears “Enable Windows 11 Acryllic effect in menus” change the drop-down to “disabled

Select “Restart” at the bottom right

Solution 3

Open a tab and in the URL bar enter the following: ” edge://flags

in the Search flags text box type in ” ANGLE

For the option that appears “Choose ANGLE graphics backend” change the drop-down to “D3D11on12

Select “Restart” at the bottom right

One of these options should resolve the issue with clear menu items within the Edge browser.

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